The Craft: Method Acting Online

The Craft: Method Acting Online" offers a unique blend of theory, practical exercises, and personalized feedback to guide you through the nuances of method acting. This course is structured to provide a step-by-step approach to learning and applying the principles of method acting in your performances.

What You'll Learn

In "The Craft: Method Acting Online," you will learn to delve into the psychological and emotional depths of your characters, creating authentic, lived-in performances. Our course will guide you through the meticulous process of character development, from the internal motivations to the subtleties of physical expression. By bridging the gap between actor and role, you'll emerge not just with improved techniques but with a newfound confidence in your craft, ready to captivate audiences with your truth and vulnerability on stage or screen.

Sensory exercises follow a process of active relaxation, which is followed by character creation and, finally, exploratory scene work. The emphasis throughout scene work is on exploration, not on a finished product. Actors must rehearse with their scene partners and practice relaxation, sensory, and character work outside of class.

Course Features

  • High-quality video lessons accessible anytime, anywhere

  • Interactive assignments with personalized feedback from industry professionals

  • Opportunities for live Q&A sessions with Peter Kalos

Peter Kalos

Founder and Owner of The Melbourne Actors Lab

Founder Peter Kalos

Peter is an internationally recognized acting coach who has taught hundreds of theatrical performers how to break limiting psychological boundaries, take their work to a place beyond reasonable possibility, and to work with an absolute commitment toward one goal; the truthful revelation of character. Peter instills that hard work hones the actors instrument to a place where is it at immediate disposal wherever and whenever it is required. The repeated practice of the exercises of Lee Strasberg lead to something much more profound than at first glance - the absolute mastery of the actors' instrument, body, mind and voice - creating artists that paint with a finer brush that also have the resilience and wherewithal to work under the most difficult of circumstances, in theatre, film and television. Beyond the actor training, THE LAB provides an environment where actors can meet filmmakers and start a collaborative relationship together. Filmmakers are encouraged to come into class and observe the actors process. The work in itself inspires a passion for actors to create their own work; theatre and film projects, and that is the drive that creates, builds and sustains a career.


Mark Wahlber

"Peter was my buffer between directors"

Olympia Valance


Without Peter I wouldn't be where I am today. Not only has he taught me how to be a better actress, but also shown me things about myself that I don't think anyone else would have been able to expose."